Artesanato do Brasil

Category: Handcrafted Leather Goods

Product: Leather Bag 39

Artesanato do Brasil US$ 43.95

Product Details

Leather bag, handicrafted painted, abstract draw.
Height: 19 "
Length: 14 "
Width: 4 "
Weight: 1 lbs

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Desenvolvido por Praia Soft Informática
We are delighted with your visit to Artesanato do Brasil..

Variety of products

We offer a great variety of handcrafted sleeping hammocks, curtains, embroidered items, handcrafted dolls, blankets, sandals, musical instruments, leather goods and many other handcrafted products.

You choose the delivery way

All of the products you buy will be mailed to whichever way you prefer. We offer express shipping (SEDEX) or normal business day shipping.

Experience in hand craft products

Artesanato do Brasil has dealt with handicrafts for approximately 30 years, working with clients nationally and internationally. Using various techniques to work on our products, our craftsmen prepare beautiful hammocks, bed blankets, curtains and many other products used for the beauty and comfort of your home or business.

Read what people think about us

I was very surprised to see such a variety of products.  The hand-painted hammocks are just beautiful.  I bought one hammock for my country house and one for the beach house.

Celmo - Rio de Janeiro

Even though I live in Switzerland, I always wanted to have a taste of Brazilian handicrafts here in my home.  Knowing Artesanato do Brasil permitted me to buy on-line, I was able to purchase a set of curtains and blankets.

Vânia - Suíça

At Artesanato do Brasil, I bought some embroidered products, a sleeping hammock and a pair of sandals.  Everything was very practical!

Jill - California